We investigate the T 2 -quotient of a torsion free Spin(7)-structure on an 8-manifold under the assumption that the quotient 6-manifold is Kähler. We show that there exists either a Hamiltonian S 1 or T 2 action on the quotient preserving the complex structure. Performing a Kähler reduction in each case reduces the problem of finding Spin(7) metrics to studying a system of PDEs on either a 4-or 2-manifold with trivial canonical bundle, which in the compact case corresponds to either T 4 , a K3 surface or an elliptic curve. By reversing this construction we give infinitely many new explicit examples of Spin(7) holonomy metrics. In the simplest case, our result can be viewed as an extension of the Gibbons-Hawking ansatz. Contents 22 12. Examples of non-constant solutions 23 References 24