“… bp , Base pairs; Tm , Melting temperature; IL1A , Interleukin 1 alpha; IL6 , Interleukin 6; IL7 , Interleukin 7; CXCL8 , C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 8; IL10 , Interleukin 10; IL17A , Interleukin 17 alpha; IL22 , Interleukin 22; IFNG , Interferon gamma; TNF , Tumour necrosis factor; TGFB1 , Transforming growth factor beta 1; FOXP3 , Forkhead box P3; CCL20 , C-C motif chemokine ligand 20; TLR4 , Toll-like receptor 4; TP53 , Tumour protein p53; STAT3 , Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3; MUC2 , Mucin 2; TJP1 / ZO-1 , Tight junction protein 1/Zona occludens 1; CHRM1 , Cholinergic receptor muscarinic 1; NOX1 , Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase 1; DUOX2 , Dual oxidase 2; PPIA , Peptidylprolyl isomerase A; B2M , Beta-2-microglobulin; GAPDH , Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase a Genes encoding proteins with an established role in facilitating or inhibiting Salmonella infection. These proteins are associated with chemotaxis ( CCL20 ), production of reactive oxygen species ( NOX1 , DUOX2 ) anti-inflammatory activity ( STAT3 , CHRM1 ) and cell survival and death ( TP53 ) [ 54 – 59 ] …”