SUMMARY. The avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (AvCoV-IBV) is recognized as an important global pathogen because new variants are a continuous threat to the poultry industry worldwide. This study investigates the genetic origin and diversity of AvCoV-IBV by analysis of the S1 sequence derived from 49 broiler flocks and 14 layer flocks in different regions of Turkey. AvCoV-IBV RNA was detected in 41 (83.6%) broiler flocks and nine (64.2%) of the layer flocks by TaqMan real-time RT-PCR. In addition, AvCoV-IBV RNA was detected in the tracheas 27/30 (90%), lungs 31/49 (62.2%), caecal tonsils 7/22 (31.8%), and kidneys 4/49 (8.1%) of broiler flocks examined. Pathologic lesions, hemorrhages, and mononuclear infiltrations were predominantly observed in tracheas and to a lesser extent in the lungs and a few in kidneys. A phylogenetic tree based on partial S1 sequences of the detected AvCoV-IBVs (including isolates) revealed that 1) viruses detected in five broiler flocks were similar to the IBV vaccines Ma5, H120, M41; 2) viruses detected in 24 broiler flocks were similar to those previously reported from Turkey and to Israel variant-2 strains; 3) viruses detected in seven layer flocks were different from those found in any of the broiler flocks but similar to viruses previously reported from Iran, India, and China (similar to Israel variant-1 and 4/91 serotypes); and 4) that the AVCoV-IBV, Israeli variant-2 strain, found to be circulating in Turkey appears to be undergoing molecular evolution. In conclusion, genetically different AvCoV-IBV strains, including vaccine-like strains, based on their partial S1 sequence, are circulating in broiler and layer chicken flocks in Turkey and the Israeli variant-2 strain is undergoing evolution.RESUMEN. Análisis filogenético y variación del gene S1 de virus de la bronquitis infecciosa detectados en pollos y gallinas de postura en Turquía.El coronavirus aviar conocido como el virus de la bronquitis infecciosa aviar (AvCoV-IBV), es reconocido como un patógeno global importante debido a que las nuevas variantes son una amenaza continua para la industria avícola en todo el mundo. En este estudio se investigó el origen genético y la diversidad de los virus de bronquitis de bronquitis mediante el análisis de la secuencia del gene S1 de virus derivados de 49 lotes de pollos y de14 lotes de ponedoras en diferentes regiones de Turquía. Se detectó ARN del virus de la bronquitis infecciosa en 41 (83.6%) lotes de pollos y en nueve (64.2%) de los lotes de ponedoras por un método de transcripción reversa y PCR en tiempo con sondas TaqMan. Además, se detectó ARN de virus de la bronquitis infecciosa en las tráqueas 27/30 (90%), los pulmones 31/49 (62.2%), las tonsilas cecales 7/22 (31.8%), y riñones 4/49 (8.1%) de las parvadas de pollo de engorde examinadas. Se observaron lesiones patológicas, hemorragias, e infiltraciones mononucleares principalmente en las tráqueas, en menor medida en los pulmones y en algunos riñones. Un árbol filogenético basado en las secuencias parciales del gene ...