“…In the last fifteen years, two research groups have developed research designs using the Rorschach in fMRI settings. Kircher and colleagues (Kircher, Brammer, Williams, & McGuire, 2000;Kircher, Liddle, Brammer, Williams, Murray, & McGuire, 2001;Kircher, Liddle, Brammer, Williams, Murray, & McGuire, 2002;Kircher, Brammer, & McGuire, 2005) presented seven Rorschach cards on a screen during fMRI scanning to elicit fluent speech in patients with schizophrenia and in healthy participants. They correlated different components of fluent speech production (e.g., thought-disordered speech, lexical retrieval and articulation, syntax processing) to BOLD signal changes and, thus, investigated the neural correlates of the process of language generation.…”