Monostatic and bistatic position and Doppler measurements used in radar and sonar systems are nonlinear transformations of a Cartesian state. These nonlinearities pose a challenge for many target tracking algorithms, causing the so-called contact lens problem, which describes the nonlinear appearance of the measurement probability density function in Cartesian coordinates. This tutorial considers methods for measurement filtering (tracking without considering data association) using a single-Gaussian approximation when monostatic and bistatic position and Doppler measurements are available. The connection between the cubature Kalman filter and numerous other filtering algorithms is shown, and the accuracy and consistency of different algorithms are compared through simulation. An effort is made to express the geometric relationships associated with multistatic tracking in a simple vectorial manner. This tutorial focuses on basic tracking, and the companion tutorials "Tracking Using 3D Monostatic and Bistatic Measurements in Refractive Environments" and "Basic Tracking Using Nonlinear Continuous-Time Dynamic Models" extend the results to more sophisticated physical models.