Despite the fact that the maximum content of fines in aggregates is restricted in national and international standards, the use of unwashed sands in restoration mortars is often demanded by restorers due to their colouring properties. The colour of these aggregates may be caused by clay minerals in the fine fraction below 63 µm. Hence, this study aims to determine the influence of loam and clay contents in a quartz aggregate on the properties of fresh and hardened limeand lime-cement-mortars. The experimental results revealed that the main effect of clay fines in aggregates is an increase of the water demand for a constant mortar consistency. As a consequence, the higher water/binder ratio causes a strong decrease of the mortar quality with respect to mechanical, hygral and durability properties. Résumé Bien que la teneur maximale en fines des granulats soit limitée par des normes nationales et internationales, l'utilisation de sables non lavés dans les mortiers de restauration est souvent demandée par les restaurateurs du fait de leur effet colorant. La couleur de ces sables est toutefois souvent dueà leur teneur en minéraux argileux dans leur fraction fine < 63 µm. La