Complications during sacral nerve stimulation in the treatment of severe fecal incontinence Objective: To evaluate the complications of sacral nerve stimulation for the treatment of fecal incontinence. Background: Sacral nerve stimulation is considered to be nowadays an effective treatment for fecal incontinence in selected patients. Many authors have reported excellent results and indication for his use have increased. Nevertheless, even being a simple technique, not it exempts this from complications. Methods: Fifty-two patients with severe faecal incontinence, treated with sacral nerve stimulation between January 2002 and December 2010, were analysed. All adverse events during follow-up were recorded. Results: There was not surgical complication during peripheral neural evaluation test. In our series, with an average follow-up to 55.52 ± 31.84 months (range: 12-121), we had a rate of adverse effects of 14%, infection of surgical wound in two patients, break of electrode in two patients and the presence of pain in the place of the implant, with episodes of extremity pain and paresthesias in low members in 3 patients. Conclusions: Sacral nerve stimulation in severe fecal incontinence is a safe treatment, with a low index of complications.Key words: Sacral nerve stimulation, fecal incontinence, complications, adverse effects.
ResumenObjetivo: Evaluar las complicaciones de la neuromodulación de raíces sacras en el tratamiento de la incontinencia fecal. Introducción: La neuromodulación de raíces sacras ha sido descrita como un tratamiento quirúrgico eficaz en pacientes con incontinencia fecal grave. Muchos autores han comunicado excelentes resultados y las indicaciones en su uso han aumentado. Sin embargo, a pesar de ser una técnica quirúrgica sencilla, no está exenta de complicaciones. Material y Método: 52 pacientes con incontinencia fecal grave, tratados mediante neuromodulación de raíces sacras entre enero de 2002 y diciembre de 2010, fueron anali-