Vehicle density and technological development increase the need for road and pedestrian safety systems. Identifying problems and addressing them through the development of systems to reduce the number of accidents and loss of life is imperative. This paper proposes the analysis and management of dangerous situations, with the help of systems and modules designed in this direction. The approach and classification of situations that can cause accidents is another feature analyzed in this paper, including detecting elements of a psychosomatic nature: analysis and detection of the conditions a driver goes through, pedestrian analysis, and maintaining a preventive approach, all of which are embedded in a modular architecture. The versatility and usefulness of such a system come through its ability to adapt to context and the ability to communicate with traffic safety systems such as V2V (vehicle-to-vehicle), V2I (vehicle-to-infrastructure), V2X (vehicle-to-everything), and VLC (visible light communication). All these elements are found in the operation of the system and its ability to become a portable device dedicated to road safety based on (radio frequency) RF-VLC (visible light communication).