Colorectal cancer treatment usually involves surgical resection following by adjuvant chemotherapy. Pathology and treatment are major causes of malnutrition. Therefore, this group of patients should receive specific nutritional counseling. Changes in eating behavior occur when the patients perceive the benefits of changes. Dietary perceptions information is useful in nutrition care. The aim of this prospective study was to examine the effect of individualized nutritional counseling on the nutritional status and dietary perceptions of 35 colorectal cancer patients receiving adjuvant chemotherapy at King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital from March to November 2019. The data were collected during the first to the third cycles of FOLFOX chemotherapy regimens. The result showed that 60% of patients were normal nutritional status at baseline. Although the patients received nutritional counseling, only 37% of the patients remained normal nutritional status at the end of the study. Patient's weight and body mass index increased significantly in 74% of the patients (p = 0.032, 0.017; respectively). This weight gain caused by patients' intake was higher than their requirements. Patients increased proteins intake significantly after nutritional counseling (p < 0.001). The result of the patient's dietary perceptions showed that the patients increased awareness of diets after nutritional counseling. Patients realized that using supplements foods during received chemotherapy may affect their treatment. Patients had more knowledge to choose diversity foods and adjusted to themselves without affecting their lifestyles.�Nutritional counseling should concern both the quantity and the quality of diets.� In addition, nutrition counseling help to improve the patient's knowledge and self-efficacy during treatment.