Our studies in primary human adipocytes show that naringenin, a citrus flavonoid, increases oxygen consumption rate and gene expression of uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1), glucose transporter type 4, and carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1b (CPT1b). We investigated the safety of naringenin, its effects on metabolic rate, and blood glucose and insulin responses in a single female subject with diabetes. The subject ingested 150 mg naringenin from an extract of whole oranges standardized to 28% naringenin three times/day for 8 weeks, and maintained her usual food intake. Body weight, resting metabolic rate, respiratory quotient, and blood chemistry panel including glucose, insulin, and safety markers were measured at baseline and after 8 weeks. Adverse events were evaluated every 2 weeks. We also examined the involvement of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor a (PPARa), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor c (PPARc), protein kinase A (PKA), and protein kinase G (PKG) in the response of human adipocytes to naringenin treatment. Compared to baseline, the body weight decreased by 2.3 kg. The metabolic rate peaked at 3.5% above baseline at 1 h, but there was no change in the respiratory quotient. Compared to baseline, insulin decreased by 18%, but the change in glucose was not clinically significant. Other blood safety markers were within their reference ranges, and there were no adverse events. UCP1 and CPT1b mRNA expression was reduced by inhibitors of PPARa and PPARc, but there was no effect of PKA or PKG inhibition. We conclude that naringenin supplementation is safe in humans, reduces body weight and insulin resistance, and increases metabolic rate by PPARa and PPARc activation. The effects of naringenin on energy expenditure and insulin sensitivity warrant investigation in a randomized controlled clinical trial.