Unexpected adverse preclinical findings (APFs) are not infrequently encountered
during drug development. Such APFs can be functional disturbances such as QT
prolongation, morphological toxicity or carcinogenicity. The latter is of
particular concern in conjunction with equivocal genotoxicity results. The
toxicologic pathologist plays an important role in recognizing these effects, in
helping to characterize them, to evaluate their risk for man, and in proposing
measures to mitigate the risk particularly in early clinical trials. A careful
scientific evaluation is crucial while termination of the development of a
potentially useful drug must be avoided. This first part of the review discusses
processes to address unexpected APFs and provides an overview over typical APFs
in particular classes of drugs. If the mode of action (MoA) by which a drug
candidate produces an APF is known, this supports evaluation of its relevance
for humans. Tailor-made mechanistic studies, when needed, must be planned
carefully to test one or several hypotheses regarding the potential MoA and to
provide further data for risk evaluation. Safety considerations are based on
exposure at no-observed-adverse-effect levels (NOAEL) of the most sensitive and
relevant animal species and guide dose escalation in clinical trials. The
availability of early markers of toxicity for monitoring of humans adds further
safety to clinical studies. Risk evaluation is concluded by a weight of evidence
analysis (WoE) with an array of parameters including drug use, medical need and
alternatives on the market. In the second part of this review relevant examples
of APFs will be discussed in more detail.