In recent decades, there has been considerable interest in investigating advanced energetic materials characterized by high stability and favorable energetic properties. Nevertheless, reconciling the conflicting balance between high energy and the insensitivity of such materials through traditional approaches, which involve integrating fuel frameworks and oxidizing groups into an organic molecule, presents significant challenges. In this study, we employed a promising method to fabricate high-energy-density materials (HEDMs) through the intermolecular assembly of variously substituted purines with a high-energy oxidant. Purines are abundant in nature and are readily available. A series of advanced energetic materials with a good balance between energy and sensitivity were prepared by the simple and effective self-assembly of purines with high-energy oxidants. Notably, these compounds exhibit incredibly improved crystal densities (1.80−2.00 g•cm −3 ) and good detonation performance (D: 7072−8358 m•s −1 ; P: 19.82−34.56 GPa). In comparison to RDX, these self-assembled energetic materials exhibit reduced mechanical sensitivities and enhanced thermal stabilities. Compounds 1−5 demonstrate both high energy and low sensitivity, indicating that self-assembly represents a straightforward and effective approach for developing advanced energetic materials with a balanced combination of energy and safety. Moreover, this study offers an avenue for synthesizing energetic materials based on naturally occurring compounds assembled through intermolecular attractions, thereby achieving a balance between energy and sensitivity along with versatile functionality.