Background: Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) is common in HIV/AIDS patients with advanced immunosuppression. Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (TMP/SMX) is recommended as the first-line anti-pneumocystis agent as soon as PCP is suspected based on its typical feature. However, the clinical characteristic and therapeutic strategy of Chinese PCP were not well-known.
Methods: We retrospectively investigated 473 HIV associated PCPs in North China from double centers, Beijing You An Hospital during 2010 to 2017 and the Infectious Disease Hospital in Harbin during 2015 to 2017. HIV associated PCP were diagnosed as the guideline recommended by CDC, NIH and HIV Medicine Association of IDSA. Demographic and clinic data were collected and statistically analysed as the parameter distribution feature.
Results: Among 473 HIV associated PCPs, we found that men were over-represented in PCP due to the high incidence of HIV infection among male homosexuality, and over one-third of them were aware of their HIV infection ago but did not maintain effective antiretroviral therapy. A history of smoking and multi-organism infection or system infection were common among them. In the multivariate analysis, we found lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) (OR 1.020, 95% CI 1.006-1.033, P=0.005), alveolar-arterial O2 difference ([A-a] DO2) and neutrophils counts (OR 1.051, 95% CI 1.005-1.099, P=0.030) were unfavourable predictors and CD4 cell counts (OR 0.900, 95% CI 0.813-0.996, P=0.041) were favourable predictor of PCP outcome. Trimethoprim/sulfamethozole (TMP/SMZ) but not TMP/SMX was used to anti-pneumocystis therapy in these patients with a low side-effect incidence which mainly forcused on epispasis, fever, liver injury and myelosuppression. Caspofungin was the only alternative medicine for those presented poor efficacy or could not tolerate the side-effects of TMP-SMZ and near 30 percent of moderate/severe PCP received glucocorticoid treatment.
Conclusion: The present data suggest that high levels of serum-LDH, [A-a] DO2 and neutrophils counts and low CD4 cell counts predict poor outcome of PCP. TMP/SMZ can cure most PCPs with a low side-effect incidence and caspofungin is an effective alternation. A larger prospective study is needed to obtain better estimates of PCP in China.