Patients with CKD represent a vulnerable population where the risks of atrial fibrillation, ischemic stroke, and bleeding are all heightened. Although large randomized, controlled trials in the general population clearly demonstrate that the benefits of warfarin and direct-acting oral anticoagulants outweigh the risks of bleeding, no such studies have been conducted in patients when their creatinine clearance falls below 25-30 ml/min. Without randomized, controlled trial data, the role of anticoagulation in patients with CKD with atrial fibrillation remains unclear and our practice is informed by a growing body of imperfect literature such as observational and pharmacokinetic studies. This article aims to present a contemporary literature review of the benefits versus harms of anticoagulation in atrial fibrillation for patients with CKD stages 3, 4, 5, and 5 on dialysis. Although unanswered questions and areas of clinical equipoise remain, this piece serves to assist physiciansin interpreting the complex body of literature and applying it to theirclinical care.