Háborús helyzet, pandémia, nem mindig rendelkezésre álló energiahordozók és
alapanyagok, infláció, szakképzett munkaerő hiánya és ingadozó rendelésállomány
határozza meg a termelő vállalatok külső és belső környezetét. A változások
sokszor szinte lehetetlenné teszik a nyereségességet és likviditást elváró
vállalati tervezést. Válsághelyzetben, korlátosan rendelkezésre álló és gyorsan
változó árú erőforrások esetén előtérbe kerül a működőképesség fenntartása és az
üzleti partnerek túlélése. A tanulmány néhány menedzsmenteszközt és trendet vesz
számba, amelyek segíthetnek a nehéz helyzetbe került gazdálkodó
War situations, pandemics, limited availability of energy and raw materials,
inflation, shortage of skilled labor, and fluctuating stock order, all determine
the external and internal environment of manufacturing companies. Hectic changes
often make classical corporate planning, which is based on meeting economic
objectives (profit, liquidity), almost impossible. In a crisis situation, with
limited resources and rapidly changing prices, the focus is on maintaining
functionality, taking into account the survival of business and technological
partners. The paper will take stock of some industrial management tools and
trends that can bail out seemingly hopelessly distressed business organizations.
In addition to articles and textbooks on enterprise and process security, a
number of management standards and recommendations for resilience and control
business and technology processes have been included in the bibliography.
Managers have a triple challenge in this area; to select, integrate and
implement management systems that meet the expectations of business partners and
help optimize and flexibly transform internal value-creating and
service-providing processes on demand. Process management that has been
developing in recent decades is not a miracle set in crisis situation. The
application of management methods, standards, and the recognition of business
and technological trends do not guarantee that substitute resources will be
sufficient in the right place and time, and that profitable operations will
remain sustainable. However, process-oriented companies with controlled resource
allocation and business continuity in mind are more likely to survive times of
crisis. Their built-in process control systems bring faster reactions to
disadvantageous changes.
Complex production systems are moving towards error-free production. Failures,
production and logistical disruptions can be detected more quickly and the root
causes localized. Industry 4.0 has several technological components, the
integration of which is exploited by these modern industrial production systems.
Industry 5.0 focuses on human-machine collaboration and relies on the tools of
Industry 4.0. Skilled workers with robots create unique products in the division
of labor. Industry 5.0 does not mean the automatic, immediate replacement of old
technologies. Previous equipment and production systems can also be integrated
into a network using sensors. The coordination of standardised management
systems with the technological shift of Industry 4.0 is not a bypass.