Egg roll merupakan sejenis makanan ringan yang banyak disukai oleh anak-anak sampai dewasa, memiliki rasa manis dan gurih, dengan tekstur yang renyah, dan berbentuk gulungan utuh. Umumnya egg roll yang terbuat dari tepung terigu memiliki tekstur yang mudah rapuh, sehingga untuk mengurangi tingkat kerapuhannya dapat dilakukan dengan menambahkan tepung terigu dengan ppati pada formula egg roll. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan pati sagu terhadap karakteristik egg roll dan menentukan formulasi terbaik egg roll berbasis pati sagu.. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap faktor tunggal dengan 5 formulasi variasi perbandingan tepung terigu dan pati sagu. Produk egg roll yang dihasilkan dari kelima formulasi tersebut dilakukan analisa warna, tekstur, organoleptikc dan komposisi kimianya. Makin tinggi konsentrasi pati sagu maka egg roll menjadi berwarna kemerahan, kekerasan dan kerenyahan menjadi menurun, namun tekstur egg roll menjadi tidak rapuh. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi pati sagu, maka kadar air, karbohidrat dan pati resisten egg roll semakin meningkat namun kadar lemak dan protein egg roll semakin menurun. Perlakuan terbaik diperoleh dari formula 100% pati sagu dengan karakteristik fisik egg roll yang dihasilkan yaitu nilai kekerasan 21,96 N, kerenyahan 31,52 Nmm, dan kerapuhan 4,90 N, serta komposisi kimia egg roll yaitu kadar air 4,73%, kadar protein 7,87%, kadar karbohidrat 56,77%, kadar abu 1,42%, kadar lemak 33,94% dan RS (resistant starch) 0,98%. Egg roll berbasis pati sagu dapat diterima oleh panelis dengan nilai terhadap atribut keseluruhan tertinggi yaitu 6,03. Kesimpulannya, pati sagu dapat digunakan dalam formula pembuatan egg roll. Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of Egg roll BasedSago StarchAbstractEgg roll is a snack which were favored by children and adults, it has a sweet and savory taste, with a crunchy texture, and in the form of whole rolls. Generally, egg roll made from wheat flour which has brittle texture, and to reduce its fragility, starch addition in egg roll formula may be applied. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of sago starch addition to egg roll formula on the characteristics of egg roll and determine the best formula. This study used a single randomized complete design with 5 formula using various ratio of wheat flour and sago starch. Egg roll products were analyzed for color, texture, organoleptic, and chemical composition. The higher the concentration of sago starch, the reddish egg roll, hardness that was appeared and the decrease in crispness was detected, and resulting in the reduction in the brittleness. The higher the concentration of sago starch might increase the water content, carbohydrate and resistant starch of egg roll but the not for fat content and protein. The best treatment was the formula with 100% sago starch with the physical characteristics of the egg roll produced with the hardness value of 21.96 N, crispness of 31.52 Nmm, fragility of 4.90 N, water content of 4.73%, protein content of 7.87%, carbohydrate content of 56.77%, ash content of 1.42%, fat content of 33.94% and RS (resistant starch) of 0.98%. Egg roll based sago starch could be accepted by panelists with the highest overall attribute value of 6.03. As conclusion, sago starch might able to apply in the production of egg role.