Abstract. A new multiangle implementation of the atmospheric correction (MAIAC)
algorithm has been applied in the Moderate Resolution Imaging
Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor and has recently provided globally high-spatial-resolution aerosol optical depth (AOD) products at 1 km. Moreover,
several improvements have been modified in the classical Dark Target (DT) and
Deep Blue (DB) aerosol retrieval algorithms in MODIS Collection 6.1 products.
Thus, validation and comparison of the MAIAC, DT, and DB algorithms are urgent
in China. In this paper, we present a comprehensive assessment and comparison
of AOD products at a 550 nm wavelength based on three aerosol retrieval
algorithms in the MODIS sensor using ground-truth measurements from AErosol
RObotic NETwork (AERONET) sites over China from 2000 to 2017. In general,
MAIAC products achieved better accuracy than DT and DB products in the
overall validation and accuracy improvement of DB products after the QA
filter, demonstrating the highest values among the three products. In
addition, the DT algorithms had higher aerosol retrievals in cropland,
forest, and ocean land types than the other two products, and the MAIAC
algorithms were more accurate in grassland, built-up, unoccupied, and
mixed land types among the three products. In the geometry dependency
analysis, the solar zenith angle, scattering angle, and relative azimuth
angle, excluding the view zenith angle, significantly affected the
performance of the three aerosol retrieval algorithms. The three products
showed different accuracies with varying regions and seasons. Similar spatial
patterns were found for the three products, but the MAIAC retrievals were
smaller in the North China Plain and higher in Yunnan Province compared with
the DT and DB retrievals before the QA filter. After the QA filter, the DB
retrievals were significantly lower than the MAIAC retrievals in south China.
Moreover, the spatiotemporal completeness of the MAIAC product was also
better than the DT and DB products.