Thec atalytic transformation of C À O bonds plays an irreplaceable role in nature and the synthetic world due to the most widespread andn aturally rich nature of such chemical bonds.I nr ecent years,t he transition metal-catalyzed direct functionalization of C À Ob onds shows ah igh potential synthetic value to construct C À Co rC À Xb onds,a nd much progress has been madei nt he realm of C À O bond activation assisted by directing groups.T his review summarizes the recent significant achievements in directing group-assisted transitionm etalcatalyzed functionalization of inert C À Ob onds with highly regioselectivity.1I ntroduction 2R uthenium-Catalyzed Functionalization of Inert C À OB onds 3R hodium-Catalyzed Functionalization of Inert C À OB onds 4C hromium-Catalyzed Functionalization of Inert C À OB onds 5C opper-Catalyzed Functionalizationo fI nert C À O Bonds 6N ickel-Palladium Binary Nanocluster-Catalyzed Functionalization of Inert C À OB onds 7I ron-Catalyzed Functionalization of Inert C À O Bonds 8P alladium-Catalyzed Functionalization of Inert C À OB onds 9C onclusions and Outlook Keywords: C À Cb onds;C À Xb onds;d irecting groups-assisted reactions;i nert C À Ob onds;t ransition metal-catalyzed reactions
1I ntroductionAs one of the most abundant chemical bonds in nature,c arbon-oxygen bonds widelye xist in av ariety of small organic molecules and biological macromolecules.T herefore,t he transformation of C À Ob onds plays an irreplaceable role in many basic organic reactions and biochemical transformation processes. [1] The traditional vicinal functionalization of C À Ob onds usuallyu sed strong and stoichiometric Brønsted/ Lewis acids as activating agents,r esulting in narrow substrate scope,l ow functional group tolerance and generating many by-products.O ver the last decade, the transitionm etal-catalyzed selective functionalization of C À Ob onds hasb ecome an important research field in organic synthesis, and the main mechanism of these reactions is the oxidative addition of aryl, alkyl, benzyla nd allyl C À Ob onds with low-valent transition metals to realize C À Ob ondf unctionalization. [2] Currently,asignificant breakthrough hasb een made throught he direct functionalization of C À Ob onds catalyzed by transitionm etals such as palladium, ruthenium, rhodium,i ridium, iron, cobalt, nickel and copper,w hich providesanew method for the efficient conversion of different C À Ob onds (Scheme 1). [3] However, fourm ain limitations include:( i) these methodsu suallyu tilized highly activateds ubstrates, such as sulfonates, to react with low-valent transition metals via oxidative addition;( ii)t he substrate scope of these reactions is often limited to aryl, alkyl, benzyl, allyl C À Ob onds and epoxides;( iii)t he use of Scheme1.Thef unctionalization of C À Ob onds catalyzed by low-valent transition metals.