A study has been presented for the nonlinear features of ion-acoustic (IA) shock waves in a magnetorotating plasma consisting of warm viscous streaming ions along with kappa-distributed electrons having two different temperatures. In this regard, we have employed the reductive perturbation technique to derive the Zakharov-Kuznetsov-Burgers (ZKB) equation that governs the dynamics of IA shock waves. The solution obtained by the hyperbolic tangent method has been shown to depend on various plasma parameters such as spectral index (c), density fraction (f), effective rotation frequency (Ω c), ion kinematic viscosity (o), and temperature ratio (). In the limiting case when dissipative coefficient D → 0, we have also examined the solitary potential distributions, which are the solutions of Zakharov Kuznetsov (ZK) equation. It is found that both rarefactive and compressive structures exist for the system under consideration. The transition in the nature of such profiles is due to the enhancement in the density of cold electrons. The importance of present theoretical investigations has been carried out with regard to Saturn's magnetosphere, where two temperature superthermal electron populations have been observed by various satellite missions. K E Y W O R D S ion acoustic waves, kappa distribution, nonthermal plasma, shocks/solitons, two electron thermal population 1 INTRODUCTION Ion acoustic waves (IAW) are one of the fundamental low-frequency modes in a plasma and are associated with plasma compression during their propagation. [1,2] Various plasmas allow propagation of several types of nonlinear waves, e.g. solitons and shocks. [3,4] The former can trap plasma particles and cause a redistribution of energy and momentum. These structures arise due to the interplay between wave dispersion and nonlinearity as described by the Korteweg de Vries (KdV) equation. The system becomes more interesting in the presence of dissipation and, for weakly nonlinear 1-D systems, is depicted by Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers (KdVB) Equation. [5,6] Such dissipation is mainly caused by interparticle collisions, ion kinematic viscosity, and/or wave-particle interaction. The dissipation term is often recognized as the Burgers term and supports formation of shock waves. [7-12]