This report presents the current status of the Molten Salt Thermal Properties Database-Thermophysical (MSTDB-TP). Building off of MSTDB-TP and through the direction of the Roadmap for Thermal Property Measurement of Molten Salt Reactor Systems [1], MSTDB-TP v2.1.1 has now been released, containing a total 448 salt entries (data from 140+ independent studies), an increase compared with the original commit of 62 [2, 3], and containing thermophysical properties, including density, viscosity, thermal conductivity, and heat capacity. Along with the new database release, the further advancement of Saline, which is a C++ application programming interface, and a graphical user interface have facilitated increased user/developer interaction with the database. Furthermore, estimation techniques, first principles calculations (ab initio), and interpolation/extrapolation methods (Redlich-Kister/Muggianu) have shown great promise in the future of thermophysical property determination for filling out compositional spaces and investigating experimentally difficult salts (hazardous and/or expensive). This report describes the database composition, the development and advancement of database tools, and the strategy of advancing and implementing estimation data into future iterations of the database for MSTDB-TP.