“…With regard to fluvial systems, reviews by Statzner (2011), Rice et al (2012), and Albertson and Allen (2014) highlight the geomorphic capabilities of fish and macroinvertebrate fauna; but the number of studies is small and limited to a few species and impact mechanisms. The majority of research has focused on bed bioturbation during spawning by Salmonids (Field-Dodgson, 1987;Kondolf et al, 1993;Montgomery et al, 1996;Hassan et al, 2008), bed and bank bioturbation by crayfish (Statzner et al, 2003a;Zhang et al, 2004;Johnson et al, 2011;Harvey et al, 2014;Rice et al, 2014) and substrate consolidation through silk secretion by hydropsychid caddisflies (Cardinale et al, 2004;Johnson et al, 2009;. Rice et al (2012, their Figure 19.6) highlight a range of additional mechanisms by which fish and invertebrates might affect bed material conditions and thence sediment transport in gravel-bed rivers.…”