Continent-continent collision creates mountain belts that grow in size with increasing amounts of plate convergence. Orogenic temperature is directly related to the amount of crustal thickening by horizontal shortening, as heat producing elements are concentrated in upper and middle crustal rocks (e.g., Hacker et al., 2015). Crustal heating, in turn, has a weakening effect on crustal rheology and controls regional metamorphism; influencing mountain-belt structure and deformation. During orogenic growth, surface processes shape mountain-belt topography, fill the evolving foreland basins and exhume metamorphic rocks. In the end-member case, erosion may even fully balance orogenic growth, creating a flux steady state between tectonics and erosion (Stolar et al., 2007; Willett & Brandon, 2002). Beaumont et al. (2006) propose a temperature-magnitude relationship for orogenic growth from small and cold to large and hot, in analogy to the Hertzsprung-Russel diagram of stellar classification. The temperature-magnitude diagram, however, does not explain whether there is a characteristic distribution of shortening and structural style (e.g., thinand thickskinned deformation, thrusting style) as a function of orogen size, and its controlling factors. In this study, we use thermo-mechanical models that are fully coupled to a landscape-evolution model, to investigate the first-order factors controlling the distribution of shortening and the different structural styles related to orogenic growth from small and cold to large and hot during continent-continent collision. A typical example of a small and cold orogen is the Pyrenean mountain belt, which grew by inversion of a rift system with additional crustal shortening and plate convergence of at most 165 km (Beaumont et al., 2000; Muñoz, 1992). The Alps, an intermediate size orogen, have a more complex history, that includes