CHOI CHUCK LEE, CRAIG A. OBAFEMI, J. WILSON QUAIL, and ZVI RAPPOPORT. Can. J. Chem. 59,2342Chem. 59, (1981. Acetolyses of a 15mM solution of a doubly labeled trianisylvinyl substrate, 1,2-diani~yl-2-p-[~~C]methoxyphenyl[2-~~C]vin bromide (l-Br-2-'3C-2-methoxy-14C), were carried out in the presence of different amounts of added NaOAc (30-450mM) or NaOAc (30 or 300mM) and Et,. Isotopic scramblings of the 13C or 14C label from C-2 to C-1 were observed in both the reaction product and the recovered unconsumed reactant, indicating the occurrence of cycles of ionization, 1,2-anisyl shift, and return. The extent of scrambling was found to decrease with increasing concentrations of NaOAc, and a further decrease in scrambling was noted with the additional presence of Et,NBr. These findings are attributable to a competition between the 1,2-shift process and capture of the cation by the added nucleophiles. Analysis of the experimental data suggests that the nucleophilic species chiefly involved in the product-forming capture reaction is the acetate ion rather than HOAc or the NaCOAc-ion-pair. Comparisons of the scrambling data, expressed as "%rearrangement", with the assumption that 100% rearrangement corresponds to 33.3% and 50.0% scramblings of the I4C ring label and the I3C chain label, respectively, led to the conclusion that complete equilibration of the labels is achieved in that portion of the molecules that have undergone rearrangement only when the acetolyses are carried out in the presence of high concentrations of added salts. Mechanistic implications of these observations are discussed. . On a observe des melanges isotopiques des marqueurs 13C ou 14C de C-2 a C-1 dans les deux produits de reaction et dans le reactif residue1 indiquant ainsi I'existence de cycles d'ionisation, glissement anisyle-1,2 puis retour a I'etat initial. On a trouve que le taux de melange diminue quand les concentrations en AcONa augmentent et on a note que le melange diminue encore d'avantange lorsque Et,NBr est egalement present. Ces observations sont attribuables a une competition entre le glissement-1.2 et la capture d'un cation par les nucleophiles ajoutes. L'analyse des donnees experimentales suggtre que I'ion acetate plutbt que AcOH ou la paire d'ions Na+AcO-est le nucleophile impliquk principalement dans le compose provenant de la reaction de capture. En comparant les donnees de melange exprimes en "% de transposition" en partant du fait qu'une transposition a 100% correspond a des melanges respectifs de 33,3% et de 50,0% du14C du cycle et du I3C de la chaine conduit a conclure qu'il s'etablit un equilibre complet entre les marqueurs dans cette position des molecules qui se transposent uniquement lors de I'acetolyse en presence de fortes concentrations de sels. On discute Cgalement des implications mkcanistiques de ces observations.[Traduit par le journal]