“…The mine has also been the sub ject of in ten sive study in more re cent times, with most of the re search de voted to stratigraphic and struc tural as pects (e.g., Tołwiński, 1956;Gaweł, 1962;Poborski and Skoczylas-Ciszewska, 1963;Szybist, 1975;Garlicki, 1979;Wiewiórka, 1979Wiewiórka, , 1988Kolasa and Ślączka, 1985a, b;Tarka et al, 1988;Tarka, 1992;Ślączka and Kolasa, 1997;Bukowski, 1997;Brudnik et al, 2000;Krzywiec and Vergés, 2007;Cyran, 2008;Gonera et al, 2012;Burliga et al, 2018). The Wieliczka Formation is a lay ered evaporite sequence (LES) com pris ing ha lite, anhydrite, and siliciclastic rocks.…”