The use of effect sizes and associated confidence intervals in all empirical research has been strongly emphasized by journal publication guidelines. To help advance theory and practice in the social sciences, this article describes an improved procedure for constructing confidence intervals of the standardized mean difference effect size between two independent normal populations with unknown and possibly unequal variances. The presented approach has advantages over the existing formula in both theoretical justification and computational simplicity. In addition, simulation results show that the suggested one-and two-sided confidence intervals are more accurate in achieving the nominal coverage probability. The proposed estimation method provides a feasible alternative to the most commonly used measure of Cohen's d and the corresponding interval procedure when the assumption of homogeneous variances is not tenable. To further improve the potential applicability of the suggested methodology, the sample size procedures for precise interval estimation of the standardized mean difference are also delineated. The desired precision of a confidence interval is assessed with respect to the control of expected width and to the assurance probability of interval width within a designated value. Supplementary computer programs are developed to aid in the usefulness and implementation of the introduced techniques. Kirk (1996), Kline (2004), Olejnik and Algina (2000), Richardson (1996), Rosenthal, Rosnow, and Rubin (2000), Rosenthal (2003), andVacha-Haase andThompson (2004). It has steadily become a general consensus in the methodological literature of behavior, education, management, and related disciplines that effect sizes accompanied by their corresponding confidence intervals are perhaps the best approach for conveying quantitative information in applied research.According to the general review of Ferguson (2009), effect sizes can be categorized into four general classes: (1) group difference, (2) strength of association, (3) corrected estimates, and (4) risk estimates. The group difference indices estimate the magnitude of difference between two or more groups, and Cohen's d (Cohen, 1969) is the most commonly used measure across virtually all disciplines of the social sciences. Specifically, Cohen's d is an estimate of the standardized mean difference that reflects the difference between two sample means divided by their pooled sample standard deviation under homoscedasticity. For the purpose of measuring the size of effect between two treatment groups with unequal variances, Cohen's d is no longer a proper estimator, because its standardizer, the Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article