This paper investigates platoon control of vehicles via the wireless communication network. An integrated longitudinal and lateral control approaches for vehicle platooning within a designated lane is proposed. Firstly, the longitudinal control aims to regulate the speed of the follower vehicle on the leading vehicle while maintaining the inter-distance to the desired value which may be chosen proportional to the vehicle speed. Thus, based on Lyapunov candidate function, sufficient stability conditions formulated in BMIs terms are proposed. For the general objective of string stability and robust platoon control to be achieved simultaneously, the obtained controller is complemented by additional conditions established for guaranteeing string stability. Furthermore, constraints such as actuator saturation, and controller constrained information are also considered in control design. Secondly, a multi-model fuzzy controller is developed to handle the vehicle lateral control. Its objective is to maintain the vehicle within the road through steering. The design conditions are strictly expressed in terms of LMIs which can be efficiently solved with available numerical solvers. The effectiveness of the proposed control method is validated under the CarSim software package.