Consider the short-time probability distribution P(H, t) of the one-point interface height difference h(x = 0, τ = t) − h(x = 0, τ = 0) = H of the stationary interface h(x, τ ) described by the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation. It was previously shown that the optimal path -the most probable history of the interface h(x, τ ) which dominates the higher tail of P(H, t) -is described by any of two ramplike structures of h(x, τ ) traveling either to the left, or to the right. These two solutions emerge, at a critical value of H, via a spontaneous breaking of the mirror symmetry x ↔ −x of the optimal path, and this symmetry breaking is responsible for a second-order dynamical phase transition in the system. Here we employ a large-deviation Monte Carlo sampling algorithm in conjunction with the mapping between the KPZ interface and the directed polymer in a random potential at high temperature. This allows us to observe the optimal paths, which determine each of the two tails of P(H, t), down to probability densities as small as 10 −500 . The observed mirror-symmetry-broken traveling optimal paths for the higher tail, and mirror-symmetric paths for the lower tail, are in good quantitative agreement with analytical predictions.