iForest -Biogeosciences and Forestry
IntroductionLand use inventories are sound measures to provide information on the area occupied by different land use or land cover types and their changes, although less widespread than traditional mapping. The use of formal statistical procedures allows land use inventory to straightforwardly provide area figures along with uncertainty estimates: this is an important advantage in comparison to other land-use area assessment methods, as the reliability of such figures can be quantitatively evaluated (Corona et al. 2007, Corona 2010.Distinctively, land use inventories are wellestablished tools for generating statistics on the state and the dynamics of land use in the European Union: for instance, the Program Land Use/Cover Area frame statistical Survey (LUCAS, Decision N°1445/2000/EC of the European Parliament and the Council) provides harmonized data on land use/cover and their changes over time in the 27 EU countries based on direct observations gathered through ground survey in the framework of area-frame sampling scheme.Italy is one of the first European countries that have adopted statistical systems to monitor land use changes earlier than the proliferation of mapping initiatives, thanks to the AGRIT project (http://www.itacon.it). More recently, the Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea has implemented the land use inventory (Inventario dell'Uso delle Terre -IUTI) as a key instrument of the National Registry for forest carbon sinks. The Registry is part of the national system for the Italian greenhouse gas inventory, which includes all institutional, legal and procedural arrangements for accounting anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases (GHG) under the United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol (ISPRA 2011). Italy has elected forest management (Article 3.4) as activities eligible for the first commitment period, thus assigning to forest sector a leading role in the fulfilment of the Italian target under the Kyoto Protocol. Accordingly, the latest Italian National Forest Inventory (NFI) has been conceived as main data source for accounting removals/emissions of GHG in forest land (see http:// www.infc.it), e.g., by adopting the FAO The National Registry for carbon sinks integrates the NFI sample set within a bundle of integrated tools aimed at estimating greenhouse gases removals/emissions associated to activities under articles 3.3 (afforestation, reforestation and deforestation) and ), due to forest land conversion mainly into artificial areas; (ii) consumption of arable land (-4.2% of the Italian territory) primarily due to land uptake by urban areas and to conversions to permanent crops (mainly orchards and vineyards); (iii) urban sprawl uptakes 1.6% of the Italian territory in this period, with a total coverage of settlements reaching 7.1% of total land surface in Italy in 2008. Overall, land use dynamic results in land uptake by forest land is of the same magnitude of land uptake by u...