Compared to barchan dunes, the morphodynamics of linear dunes that elongate on a nonerodible bed have barely been investigated by means of laboratory experiments or numerical simulations. Using a cellular automaton model, we study the elongation of a solitary linear dune from a sand source and show that it can reach a steady state. This steady state is analyzed to understand the physical processes at work along the dune. Crest reversals together with avalanche processes control the shape of transverse sections. Dune width and height decrease almost linearly with distance downstream until the minimum size for dune is reached. This is associated with a constant sand loss along the dune, which eventually compensates for the sediment influx and sets the dune length. This sand budget is discussed to distinguish an elongating linear dune from a barchan dune and to explain the complexity of linear dune fields in nature.
Plain Language SummaryGiven the seasonal cycle, multidirectional wind regimes are highly prevalent in modern sand seas where linear dunes are the most frequent dune type. They vary in shape and size, but they are all characterized by linear ridges extending over long distances. Here we study the morphodynamics of linear dunes that elongate from a sand source under the action of reversing winds. We show that the sand loss increases with the length of the elongating linear dune which eventually converges to a steady state. We relate the dimensions and the shape of the dune at equilibrium to the sediment influx and the wind properties. The characterization of this elementary dune type is an essential step toward a better understanding of the interplay between winds and complex dune fields in nature. This is important for Earth in a context of climate change, but also for Mars and Titan, Saturn's largest moon, where direct wind measurements are not available to date.