DOI: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2006.06.010
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Sand transport under combined current and wave conditions: A semi-unsteady, practical model

Abstract: For the general purposes of morphodynamic computations in coastal zones, simple formula-based models are usually employed to evaluate sediment transport. Sediment transport rates are computed as a function of the bottom shear stress or the near bed flow velocity and it is generally assumed that the sediment particles react immediately to changes in flow conditions. It has been recognized, through recent laboratory experiments in both rippled and plane bed sheet flow conditions that sediment reacts to the flow … Show more

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Cited by 57 publications
(62 citation statements)
References 29 publications
(69 reference statements)
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“…If the present results with acceleration-skewed flows were plotted against a/k s , the results would still be in good agreement with Swart, but with f wp and f wn lying either side of the Swart (1974) curve. These results confirm that the approaches of Silva et al (2006) and Gonzalez-Rodriguez & Madsen (2007), whereby the friction factor for each half-cycle is based on an equivalent sinusoidal orbital amplitude, is a promising, practical approach to determine bed shear stress for acceleration-skewed flow.…”
Section: Rodriguez and Madsen 2007supporting
confidence: 74%
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“…If the present results with acceleration-skewed flows were plotted against a/k s , the results would still be in good agreement with Swart, but with f wp and f wn lying either side of the Swart (1974) curve. These results confirm that the approaches of Silva et al (2006) and Gonzalez-Rodriguez & Madsen (2007), whereby the friction factor for each half-cycle is based on an equivalent sinusoidal orbital amplitude, is a promising, practical approach to determine bed shear stress for acceleration-skewed flow.…”
Section: Rodriguez and Madsen 2007supporting
confidence: 74%
“…For the present conditions, the positive half-cycle friction factor, f wc , is plotted against a c /k s and similarly f wt is plotted against a t /k s where a t = a2T at /T t with the periods T at and T t as outlined in figure 2. In this case the calculation of a for each half-cycle takes account of the fact that for β increasing above 0.5 the time from zero velocity to peak positive velocity decreases and the time from zero to peak negative velocity increases (e.g Silva et al 2006; Gonzalez- Swart (1974) Bagnold ( …”
Section: Friction Factormentioning
confidence: 99%
“…A main outcome was the development of empirical formulas for the net sheet flow sediment transport aimed toward use in large-scale morphodynamic models [Drake and Calantoni, 2001;Hoefel and Elgar, 2003;Watanabe and Sato, 2004;Camenen and Larson, 2006;da Silva et al, 2006;Nielsen, 2006;Gonzalez-Rodriguez and Madsen, 2007;van der A et al, 2010. Formulas for other parameters such as the maximum sheet flow layer thickness, d s , and the maximum erosion depth, d e , were also proposed.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…However, as shown in figure 11, sheetflow layer thickness measured in present study is about 4-6 times larger than predicted by Eq.(20). This is because sheetflow layer thickness could be limited by the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation due to high sand concentration inside sheetflow layer (Da Silva et al 2006). So far, it is somehow difficult to quantitatively estimate the turbulent part.…”
Section: Net Sand Transport Formula Of Watanabe and Sato (2004)mentioning
confidence: 99%