An integrated study of sediments was conducted to examine the facies architecture and depositional environment of the Cretaceous Pab Formation, Rakhi Gorge, and Suleiman Ranges, Pakistan. This research focused on analyzing architectural elements and facies, which are not commonly studied in sedimentary basins in Pakistan. To identify lithofacies, outcrop analysis and section measurement were performed. The identified lithofacies were then categorized based on their depositional characteristics and facies associations, with a total of nine types identified within a stratigraphic thickness of approximately 480 m. These facies were mainly indicative of high-energy environments, although the specifics varied by location. Sedimentary structures such as planar and trough crossbedding, lamination, nodularity, load-casts, and fossil traces were found within these facies, indicating high-energy environments with a few exceptions in calm environments. The identified facies were grouped into seven architectural elements according to their depositional environments: delta-dominated elements, including laminated shale sheet elements (LS), fine sandstone elements (SF), planar cross-bedded sandstone elements (SCp), trace sandstone elements (ST), and paleosol elements (Pa); and river-dominated elements, including trough cross-bedded sandstone elements (SCt), channel deposit elements (CH), and paleosol elements (Pa). These architectural elements, along with their vertical and lateral relationships, indicate a transitional fluvio-deltaic environment within the Pab Formation. In conclusion, by interpreting facies and architectural elements, it is possible to gain a better understanding of the depositional history of the formation and the distribution of reservoir units.