Blood perfusion is defined as the volume of blood flowing through units of tissue volume per second. In thermoregulation, blood perfusion is a factor that affects heat transfer in the body, the greater the rate of blood perfusion will complicate the distribution of temperature throughout the body. In the study of bioheat transfer, heat transfer in the human body can be used as a therapy. At therapeutic temperatures (above 40°C), cells will die and stop their growth or commonly called hyperthermia therapy. It can allow thermonecrosis in body tissues and can be useful for tumour tissue. Of the various types of hyperthermia therapy, interstitial hyperthermia therapy is considered more effective because heat is directly delivered to tumour tissue to minimize other tissues exposed to therapeutic temperatures. Currently, there are no studies that study the effect of blood perfusion on the treatment of interstitial hyperthermia, even though blood perfusion greatly affects the temperature distribution in the human body/ In this study, heat transfer analysis will be performed on five layers of the human body, namely the epidermis, dermis, fat, muscle, and bones with interstitial application of hyperthermia therapy and affected by blood perfusion with a value of (8x10-4; 4x10-4; 2x10-4; 1x10-3; and 2x10-3)/s completed using finite element method with unsteady conditions in two axial dimensions. The part of the tumour studied is a tumour in the arm (forearm) in the span of 600s. This study shows that blood perfusion affects the value of temperature distribution in five layers of the body in unsteady conditions. The greater the value of blood perfusion flowing in the body, the more difficult the temperature will be to transmit because the blood distributes heat throughout the body faster, the difference between blood perfusion values is quite significant.