We consider D3-brane gauge theories at an arbitrary toric Calabi-Yau 3-fold cone singularity that are then further compactified on a Riemann surface Σ g , with an arbitrary partial topological twist for the global U (1) symmetries. This constitutes a rich, infinite class of two-dimensional (0, 2) theories. Under the assumption that such a theory flows to a SCFT, we show that the supergravity formulas for the central charge and R-charges of BPS baryonic operators of the dual AdS 3 solution may be computed using only the toric data of the Calabi-Yau 3-fold and the topological twist parameters. We exemplify the procedure for both the Y p,q and X p,q 3-fold singularities, along with their associated dual quiver gauge theories, showing that the new supergravity results perfectly match the field theory results obtained using c-extremization, for arbitrary twist over Σ g . We furthermore conjecture that the trial central charge Z , which we define in gravity, matches the field theory trial c-function off-shell, and show this holds in non-trivial examples. Finally, we check our general geometric formulae against a number of explicitly known supergravity solutions. † On leave at the Galileo Galilei Institute,