The panchromatic tri-stereo images of Göktürk-1, the first sub-meter optical remote sensing satellite of Türkiye, was assessed with respect to 3D georeferencing accuracy using sensor-dependent orientation model. The investigated panchromatic images were acquired in tri-stereo mode with 50 cm ground sampling distance at nadir-view, covering Zonguldak (Türkiye) test site. The sensor-dependent orientation model developed for the Pléiades 1A/1B/Neo and SPOT 6/7 satellites were preferred since the characteristics of Göktürk-1’s imaging geometry was identical with them. Two GCP/ICP sets (50/9 and 44/15) were established by in-field GNSS survey, and adjusted georeferencing accuracy were estimated almost millimetre and ~ ± 50 cm ( ~ ± 1 GSD) at GCPs and ICPs, respectively. All process was carried out by Geo3o1 tool of GeoEtrim derived in MATLAB environment.