We report on the construction of a database of nonhyperelliptic genus 3 curves over Q of small discriminant. of this database: an enumeration of all smooth plane quartic curves with coefficients of absolute value at most B c := 9, with the aim of obtaining a set of unique Q-isomorphism class representatives for all such curves that have absolute discriminant at most B ∆ := 10 7 .Even after accounting for obvious symmetries, this involves more than 10 17.5 possible curve equations and requires a massively distributed computation to complete in a reasonable amount of time. Efficiently computing the discriminants of these equations is a non-trivial task, much more so than in the hyperelliptic case, and much of this article is devoted to an explanation of how this was done. Many of the techniques that we use can be generalized to other enumeration problems and may be of independent interest, both from an algorithmic perspective, and as an example of how cloud computing can be effectively applied to a research problem in number theory. A list of the curves that were found (more than 80 thousand) is available on the author's website [33].Remark 1.1. The informed reader will know that not every genus 3 curve over Q falls into the category of smooth plane quartics f (x, y, z) = 0 or curves with a hyperelliptic model y 2 + h(x) y = f (x). The other possibility is a degree-2 cover of a pointless conic; see [18] for a discussion of such curves and algorithms to efficiently compute their L-functions. We plan to conduct a separate search for curves of this form that will also become part of the genus 3 database in the LMFDB.1.1. Acknowledgments. The author is grateful to Nils Bruin, Armand Brumer, John Cremona, Tim Dokchitser, Jeroen Sijsling, Michael Stoll, and John Voight for their insight and helpful comments, and to the anonymous referees for their careful reading and suggestions for improvement.
THE DISCRIMINANT OF A SMOOTH PLANE CURVELet C[x] d denote the space of ternary forms of degree d ≥ 1, as homogeneous polynomials in the variables x := (x 0 , x 1 , x 2 ). It is a C-vector space of dimension n d := d+2 2 equipped with a standard monomial basis