Stable and self-starting mode-locking of a Tm:LiYF 4 laser using a single-walled carbon nanotubes based saturable absorber is demonstrated. Pulses as short as 19 ps are generated at a wavelength of ~ 1888 nm. OCIS Codes: (140.4050) Mode-locked lasers; (140.5680) Rare earth and transition metal solid-state lasersSolid-state lasers operating in the 2 µm eye-safe spectral range are interesting for applications in spectroscopy, laser ranging, photo-medicine, optical communications and metrology. Mode-locked lasers will be especially useful for time-resolved molecular spectroscopy, as pump sources for synchronously-pumped OPOs operating in the mid-IR above 5 µm, as seeders of chirped-pulse optical parametric amplifiers pumped near 1 µm for high-order harmonic and soft-X-ray generation, and for IR supercontinuum or THz generation. Recently, numerous Tm 3+ -doped materials showed high efficiency and output powers in the continuous-wave and Q-switched laser regimes. Tm 3+ and Ho 3+ both operate as three-level systems near 2 µm but the advantage of the Tm-laser is the possibility of direct diode pumping with AlGaAs diodes while Ho 3+ normally requires co-doping, e.g. with Tm 3+ . While only active modelocking has been demonstrated previously with bulk Tm-or Ho-lasers, more recently single-walled carbon nanotube saturable absorbers (SWCNT-SA) were successfully applied to mode-lock for the first time a Tm:KLu(WO 4 ) 2 laser at 1.95 µm [1]. Alternatively, Ho 3+ -lasers operating at somewhat longer wavelengths, with Tm 3+ used as a sensitizer, were also successfully mode-locked but using semiconductor saturable absorbers: 10 ps pulses near 2.09 µm with Ho,Tm:YAG [2] and 0.57-ps pulses near 2.05 µm with Ho,Tm:KYW [3] were reported. Very recently, again applying semiconductor saturable absorbers for passive mode-locking, pulses with durations around 0.5 ps were generated with Tm-and Tm,Ho:glasses [4] and the first passively mode-locked fluoride crystal, Tm:GdLiF 4 , isomorphic to YLF, delivered 17 ps pulses with broad sub-50 ps tuning range from 1868 to 1926 nm [5]. Here we report on passive mode-locking of a Tm:YLF laser applying a SWCNT-SA as mode-locker.SWCNT-SAs are unique nanostructures which, due to their fast third order optical nonlinearity and saturable absorption effects, can act as a potential replacement for SESAMs in the wavelength range between 1-2 µm [1,6]. The SWCNT-SA used in the present work was of the same type as those used in the 1 µm spectral range [6]. However, while the absorption band around 1 µm corresponds to the E 22 transition of SWCNTs, the E 11 transition is utilized near 2 μm. The SWCNT-SA was fabricated by the spin coating method as described elsewhere [7].The Ti:sapphire laser pumped set-up was a modified version of the one described in [1]. One folding mirror of RC=-10 cm and an RC=-5 cm end mirror produce the second cavity waist for the SWCNT-SA. The transmissiontype SWCNT-SA was inserted at Brewster angle close to this waist. The output coupler terminating the other cavity arm had a transmis...