The need to incorporate the fraction unbound in microsomes (fu mic ) to obtain meaningful drug concentrations for the prediction of intrinsic clearance and cytochrome P450 inhibition potential is widely accepted (Obach, 1996;Ito and Houston, 2005;Rostami-Hodjegan and Tucker, 2007). Recently, two equations based on drug lipophilicity have been developed for prediction of fu mic (Austin et al., 2002;Hallifax and Houston, 2006) that avoid experimental determinations. The limitations of these empirical predictive tools and their applicability for fu mic predictions over a range of lipophilicity and microsomal protein concentrations have been addressed (Gertz et al., 2008).Analogous to applying a correction for microsomal drug binding to in vitro clearance and inhibition parameters, it is important that the fraction unbound in hepatocyte incubations (fu hep ) is also considered for in vitro-in vivo extrapolation (McGinnity et al., 2006;Brown et al., 2007b). However, this need has yet to be broadly applied, perhaps due to the lack of comprehensive demonstration of its value. In a recent study by Austin et al. (2005), the extent of binding between the microsomal and hepatocyte incubations was compared using hepatocyte data (n ϭ 14) and the corresponding fu mic from a previous study (Austin et al., 2002). The authors proposed a linear 1:1 relationship between microsomal and hepatocyte binding for incubations of 1 mg/ml and 10 6 cells/ml, respectively, indicating that the fu hep can be extrapolated from microsomal studies. However, the applicability of this correlation has been questioned because of the small number of compounds investigated (Hallifax and Houston, 2007).To further explore the relationship between binding in microsomal and hepatocyte systems, a detailed analysis was carried out involving 39 drugs. A nonlinear empirical equation is proposed as an alternative to the linear relationship to relate binding between the two systems. In addition, prediction of fu hep directly from the logP/D metric is assessed over a wide range of lipophilicity (Ϫ0.13 to 5.93). The implications of these findings on the estimation of hepatocellular drug concentration for intrinsic clearance and inhibition parameter predictions are discussed.
Materials and MethodsA database of 39 drugs and their corresponding fu mic and fu hep values was collated either from in house data or from the literature (Austin et al., 2002(Austin et al., , 2005Brown et al., 2007a;Hallifax and Houston, 2007). In the aforementioned studies, different methods were used to determine the drug binding in hepatocyte incubations, namely oil centrifugation (using live cells), dialysis (using dead cells), and ultrafiltration (using dead cells). Microsomal and hepatocyte binding are defined by eqs. 1 and 2, respectively: ABBREVIATIONS: fu mic , fraction unbound in microsomes; fu hep , fraction unbound in hepatocyte incubations; K a , microsomal protein binding affinity; K p , hepatocyte/medium concentration ratio; V R , ratio of the cell and incubation volume; logP/D...