The objective of this work is to summarize obtained information during the well formation testing (WFT) jobs completed in open hole at the fields of PJSC NOVATEK. We also conducted analysis of formation pressure measurements, assessment of the saturating fluid type and the quality of downhole fluid samples collected at various geological and well conditions. Now PJSC NOVATEK and its subsidiaries have been actively using various types of WFT to solve a complex geological objective on the fields at exploration and development steps. Thus, an impressive array of data was formed, and detailed analysis made it possible to develop optimal success criteria and recommendations for carrying out such jobs in the wells.
We used data obtained with WFT jobs in the main productive reservoirs of the Cenomanian, Marseilian, Tanopchin and Achimov strata in the northern region of Western Siberia.
We have considered influence of various geological and technological factors on the reliability on formation pressures (FP) measurements with WFT. To assess the quality of downhole fluid analysis (DFA) we tried to compare time to reservoir fluid appearance, reservoir properties, drilling fluid type etc., in dependence of sampling tool type utilized.
Within performed interval pressure transient tests (IPTT) an analysis of the quality of the hydrodynamic parameters of the reservoirs was conducted aiding to plan cased hole well-tests.
We also considered of WFT application for representative downhole sampling to obtain information of the main PVT properties of reservoir fluids.