Cryo-electron microscopy of vitreous section makes it possible to observe cells and tissues at high resolution in a close-to-native state. The specimen remains hydrated; chemical fixation and staining are fully avoided. There is minimal molecular aggregation and the density observed in the image corresponds to the density in the object. Accordingly, organotypic hippocampal rat slices were vitrified under high pressure and controlled cryoprotection conditions, cryosectioned at a final thickness of Ϸ70 nm and observed below ؊170°C in a transmission electron microscope. The general aspect of the tissue compares with previous electron microscopy observations. The detailed analysis of the synapse reveals that the density of material in the synaptic cleft is high, even higher than in the cytoplasm, and that it is organized in 8.2-nm periodic transcleft complexes. Previously undescribed structures of presynaptic and postsynaptic elements are also described.Cryo-electron microscopy of vitreous section ͉ high-pressure freezing ͉ hippocampus S ynapses of the central nervous system (CNS) play a key role in neuronal information processing. Their physiology and structural organization have been extensively characterized (1, 2). The presynaptic compartment contains synaptic vesicles (SVs) filled with neurotransmitters. There is an intensive tethering and fusion activity between SVs and the presynaptic membrane. The postsynaptic membrane is covered with neurotransmitter receptors, which detect variations in neurotransmitter concentration. Postsynaptic submembrane cytoplasm is occupied by a complex network of proteins, the postsynaptic density, which modulates the strength of synaptic transmission. The space between both cells is the synaptic cleft. It contains neurotransmitter receptors and various adhesion molecules, such as N-cadherin and neural cell adhesion molecule. Their function in synapse formation and regulation is only beginning to be understood, and their precise spatial organization remains unclear (3).Resolving the molecular structure of the synapse is difficult because, on one hand, high resolution x-ray diffraction data are obtained outside their cellular context (4, 5). On the other hand, conventional electron microscopy generally fails to resolve individual proteins in their natural environment because the preparation relies on chemical fixation, dehydration, resinembedding, and heavy-metal staining and, thus, produces aggregation artifacts and artificial contrast, resulting in a limited resolution and a difficulty of interpreting the nature of the observed structures (6, 7). Freeze substitution and freeze etching, by which the specimen is immobilized by freezing and dehydrated at low temperature before being embedded in resin or replicated, were developed to reduce preparation artifacts but, even under these conditions, aggregation cannot be completely avoided. Depending on the protocols used for specimen preparation, the synaptic cleft presents different aspects. A dense central plaque was observed in some s...