The recent determination of the myosin head atomic structure has led to a new model of muscle contraction, according to which mechanical torque is generated in the catalytic domain and amplified by the lever arm made of the regulatory domain [Fisher, A. J., Smith, C. A., Thoden, J., Smith, R., Sutoh, K., Holden, H. M. & Rayment, I. (1995) Biochemistry 34, 8960-8972]. A crucial aspect of this model is the ability of the regulatory domain to move independently of the catalytic domain. Saturation transfer-EPR measurements of mobility of these two domains in myosin filaments give strong support for this notion. The catalytic domain of the myosin head was labeled at Cys-707 with indane dione spin label; the regulatory domain was labeled at the single cysteine residue of the essential light chain and exchanged into myosin. The mobility of the regulatory domain in myosin filaments was characterized by an effective rotational correlation time ( R ) between 24 and 48 s. In contrast, the mobility of the catalytic domain was found to be R ؍ 5-9 s. This difference in mobility between the two domains existed only in the filament form of myosin. In the monomeric form, or when bound to actin, the mobility of the two domains in myosin was indistinguishable, with R ؍ 1-4 s and >1,000 s, respectively. Therefore, the observed difference in filaments cannot be ascribed to differences in local conformations of the spinlabeled sites. The most straightforward interpretation suggests a f lexible hinge between the two domains, which would have to stiffen before force could be generated.The myosin head (subfragment 1, S1) plays a central role during muscle contraction. It is thought that during the ATPase cycle S1 interacts with actin and undergoes a series of specific changes in its conformation, resulting in a directional strain on the actin filaments. The nature of these conformational changes and the mechanism by which they produce the directed force is still unclear (1, 2), although the original model of Huxley and Simmons (3) provides a valid framework. The determination of the atomic structures of S1, actin, and the low-resolution structure of the acto-S1 complex has led to a hypothesis of a structural model, in which helix movement is generated by the hydrolysis of ATP and the formation of a stereospecific acto-S1 complex generates torque within the catalytic domain, which is then amplified by the regulatory domain acting as a lever arm (4, 5). Rayment's model was preceded by the observation of shape changes in the myosin heads between various chemical states of myosin. A decrease in the hydrodynamic size of S1 upon MgADP binding and upon ATP hydrolysis was observed by Highsmith and Eden (6) and by Wakabayashi et al. (7,8). More recently, low-resolution electron microscopy reconstitution of S1-decorated actin filaments and EPR studies have indicated a rotation of the regulatory domain with respect to the catalytic domain (9-11). In these cases, the rotation was observed at the distal end of the regulatory domain on th...