“…Yates, Caleb Saleeby, John Maynard Keynes, Leonard Darwin, Henry Goddard, Paul Popenoe, Margaret Sanger, Eugen Fischer, Ernst Rüdin, and Julius Evola, etc) were articulated with very different concerns and very particular contexts in mind. The literature on these different eugenics is vast; a good starting point can be found in Bashford and Levine, 2010; for a small sample also see, Love, 1979;Paul, 1984;Weiss, 1987;Kühl, 1994;Tucker, 1994;Dikötter, 1998;Weizmann, 1998;Zenderland, 1998aZenderland, , 1998bLadd-Taylor, 1997;Stone, 2001;Dowbiggin, 2003;Spiro, 2008;Hart, 2007;O'Loughlin and Cassata, 2011;Lombardo, 2011;Levine, 2017. 5 On algorithms of the soul and mathematical psycho-physiology, especially regarding C. Henry, cited by Spearman and Hart, see Brain, 2015.…”