“…In general, many economists grappled with this question of increasing debt and debt-related crises before, and they have developed various debt and financial crises hypotheses and theories. To have a comprehensive understanding of debt crisis hypotheses and theories it is noteworthy to mention Wicksell's (1898Wicksell's ( , 1906 financial crisis model, Hayek's (1929) financial crisis theory, Keynes's (1936) view on economic crises, Fisher's (1933Fisher's ( , 1935 economic crisis model, Warburton's (1966) financial crisis model, Friedman, and Schwartz's (1971) view on economic crises, Minsky's (1982Minsky's ( , 1992 financial instability hypothesis, behavioural economists' view of financial crises [Shiller, (2003[Shiller, ( , 2015 and McDonald, (2009)], Bernanke's (2005Bernanke's ( , 2015 global savings glut hypothesis, Summers's (2014Summers's ( , 2016 secular stagnation hypothesis. Additionally, many leading economists have researched extensively about systemic debt/financial crises even though they did not build their own crisis models.…”