In this paper, we study different mathematical methods to tackle the minimization of the paging costs in Location Management, making use of the probability distribution for the location of mobile terminals. We have covered the classic methods, also considering the paging delay as a constraint, for which case, focus is set mainly on the Simplex method and the Lagrange multiplier method to analyze practical cases, providing useful conclusions on the design of location areas. In particular, making use of the Simplex method for the study of deployments of location areas paged sequentially, the first location areas to be paged should be assigned superior probabilities in order to minimize paging costs, call delivery delays and even computational costs at the time of applying the Simplex method. Regarding the application of Lagrange multipliers, values around 0.1 prove to work efficiently for the typical paging costs optimisation problems and the results obtained show that sequential paging in decreasing order of probability brings large savings in the paging costs with affordable delays: for instance, reduction of 50% in the costs, for a maximum delay of 3 paging steps.