A t its January meetings earlier this year, the American Psychoanalytic Association held the second of its annual peer-reviewed poster sessions highlighting the many research studies being conducted by analytic investigators here and abroad.Linda Goodman, Linda Mayes, and I, as a subcommittee of the association's Committee on Scientific Activities, continue to serve as organizers of the sessions. The nineteen poster abstracts presented here reflect a new emphasis in our field on systematic empirical studies addressing a rich spectrum of research topics conceptually relevant to psychoanalytic theory, current clinical practice, and outcomes. Many of the posters are reports of new and ongoing investigations intended to draw the reader into dialogue with the investigators. As the poster sessions are designed to generate inter-Reflective Function (RF) is psychological capacity that "involves both a self-reflective and an interpersonal component that ideally provides the individual with a well-developed capacity to distinguish j a p a at Swinburne Univ of Technology on May 15, 2015 apa.sagepub.com Downloaded from P o s t e r A b s t r a c t s 1216 at Swinburne Univ of Technology on May 15, 2015 apa.sagepub.com Downloaded from FERTUCK, E.A., TARGET, M., MERGENTHALER, E., & CLARKIN, J.F. (2004). Poster abstract: The development of a computerized linguistic analysis instrument of the reflective functioning measure.Mentalizing is the ability to interpret the actions of self and others on the basis of intentional mental states such as desires, needs, feelings, beliefs, and reasons. It has been demonstrated that developmental adversity can impair the capacity to mentalize (Fonagy et al. 1996) and that for certain individuals the capacity to mentalize may serve POSTER ABSTRACTS P o s t e r A b s t r a c t s P o s t e r A b s t r a c t s P o s t e r A b s t r a c t s