“…Since we have already determined several ontologies for the building domain in the Ontology Reuse step, we keep only the four concepts: Certificate, Certifier, Energy System, and Energy Conversion System in the UML diagram of EPC4EU. As shown in Figure 3 Ontology Domain Public Available SAREF4BLDG [14] Energy, Building, Device Yes SARGON [16] Energy, Building, Device Yes BONSAI [64] Energy, Building Yes Think Home Ontology [65] Energy, Building, Weather, Person Yes Building Topology Ontology [66] Building Yes BCOM [67] Building, Person Yes IFC [68] Building No SBEO [69] Building, Device, Person Yes BIMERR Ontology [70] Building, Device, Weather Yes SAREF4ENER [71] Energy, Device Yes MIRABEL [72] Energy, Device No SEMANCO [73] Energy, Building No ISO 37120 [74] Energy Yes EM-KPI-ontology [17] Energy, Building, Device, Weather Yes FSO [75] Energy, Device Yes SSN [17] Device Yes SOSA [76] Device Yes vCard [77] Person Yes Time Ontology [78] Calendar Yes DBpedia [36] General Yes…”