Abstract-In identifying software requirements from users, the requirements are usually in the form of natural language sentences, which may be ambiguous. Therefore, a language has been developed to model the software in different aspects help solve such problem and communicate between the users and developers, namely, Unified Modeling Language (UML). Using UML for Software designing from natural language sentences may be complicated, and the software developers may not identify the requirements consistently; therefore, software developers should give importance to verifying that the requirements in the natural language sentence format and in the model format have good properties. Therefore, this research proposes rules for verifying that requirements in the natural language sentence format and requirements in the model have good properties according to the IEEE 830 standard, namely, unambiguity, consistency and traceability, Applying the proposed rules is beneficial to ensure that the requirements identified in the model are consistent with the user requirements in the natural language sentence format, allowing the software developers to develop the software according to the user requirements. Index Terms-Software requirement properties, software model, requirements verification.