Recently, tremendous progress has been made in the field of quantum science and technologies: different platforms for quantum simulation as well as quantum computing, ranging from superconducting qubits to neutral atoms, are starting to reach unprecedentedly large systems. In order to benchmark these systems and gain physical insights, the need for efficient tools to characterize quantum states arises. The exponential growth of the Hilbert space with system size renders a full reconstruction of the quantum state prohibitively demanding in terms of the number of necessary measurements. Here we propose and implement an efficient scheme for quantum state tomography using active learning. Based on a few initial measurements, the active learning protocol proposes the next measurement basis, designed to yield the maximum information gain. For a fixed total number of measurements and basis configurations, our algorithm maximizes the information one can obtain about the quantum state under consideration. We apply the active learning quantum state tomography scheme to reconstruct different multi-qubit states with varying degree of entanglement as well as to ground states of a kinetically constrained spin chain. In all cases, we obtain a significantly improved reconstruction as compared to a reconstruction based on the exact same number of measurements, but with randomly chosen basis configurations. Our scheme is highly relevant to gain physical insights in quantum many-body systems as well as for the characterization of quantum devices, and paves the way for benchmarking and probing large quantum systems.