Efficient syntheses of trisubstituted cryptophane-A derivatives that are versatile host molecules for many applications are reported. Trihydroxy cryptophane was synthesized in six or seven steps with yields as high as 9.5%. By a different route, trihydroxy cryptophane modified with three propargyl, allyl, or benzyl protecting groups was synthesized with yields of 4.1-5.8% in just six steps. Hyperpolarized 129 Xe NMR chemical shifts of 57-65 ppm were measured for these trisubstituted cryptophanes.Cryptophane organic host molecules, constructed from two cyclotriguaiacylene (CTG) units connected by three alkane linkers, possess a hydrophobic cavity that can encapsulate a wide variety of guests. One important application involves xenon binding to cryptophane, which can be delivered to specific cellular targets for detection and resolution by 129 Xe magnetic resonance spectroscopy or imaging. 1 Currently, water-soluble cryptophane-A derivatives show the highest known xenon affinity with K A ≈ 30,000 M −1 in buffer at rt. 2 129 Xe can be hyperpolarized to generate ~10 5 NMR signal enhancements and provides a greater than 200 ppm 129 Xe NMR chemical shift window, with resonance frequencies that depend sensitively on the molecular environment. 3 Thus, cryptophane hosts functionalized with different recognition moieties allow the simultaneous detection of multiple targets (i.e., multiplexing), as is desirable for biomolecular imaging. 4 The importance of in vivo studies has motivated the development of synthetic routes capable of producing large quantities of functionalized cryptophane. 5 A previously described multi-step template strategy allowed the synthesis of diverse mono6 and tri-functionalized cryptophane-A derivatives2 ,7 as well as enantiopure (−)-cryptophane-A.8 However, even improved synthetic routes typically involve nine or more steps with low yields.5b The preparation of separate connecting linkers and CTG units is time-consuming, and the hydroxyl functionalities must be protected to avoid side-products during the cryptophane synthesis. Moreover, the two cyclization reactions to produce first CTG and finally cryptophane typically involve strong acid such as perchloric acid in methanol or formic acid.9 These conditions are incompatible with the synthesis of new CTG derivatives bearing acid-sensitive moieties, and very often dilute conditions are required to avoid polymerization, as in the case with propargyl groups.2 Recently, Brotin and coworkers * Corresponding author: Dmochowski, Ivan J., ivandmo@sas.upenn.edu.
Supporting Information Available:Experimental procedures and characterization data for all synthesized compounds and 129 Xe NMR data. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at http://pubs.acs.org. reported cyclization reaction conditions using a milder reagent as Lewis acid, Sc(OTf) 3 . 10 Notably, in some cases even better yields were obtained, and the purification steps were made easier.
NIH Public AccessBased on these observations, we developed a shorter, 6-step synt...