Abstract. We give an optimal upper bound for the first eigenvalue of the untwisted Dirac operator on a compact symmetric space G/H with rk G − rk H ≤ 1 with respect to arbitrary Riemannian metrics. We also prove a rigidity statement.Herzlich gave an optimal upper bound for the lowest eigenvalue of the Dirac operator on spheres with arbitrary Riemannian metrics in [9] using a method developed by Vafa and Witten in [14]. More precisely, he proved that for every metricḡ on S n that is pointwise larger than the round metric g, the first eigenvalue λ 1 (D 2 ) of the Dirac operator with respect toḡ is not larger than the first Dirac eigenvalue λ 1 (D 2 ) of the round sphere.Herzlich asked if there are other Riemannian manifolds with optimal Vafa-Witten bounds, in particular if the Fubini-Study metric on CP 2m−1 has this property. In the present note we give positive answers to both questions by generalising Herzlich's results to symmetric spaces G/H of compact type, where rk G − rk H ≤ 1. In particular, we improve a recent estimate by Davaux and Min-Oo for complex projective spaces in [4], see Example 6.2 below.1. Theorem. Let M = G/H be a simply connected symmetric space of compact type with rk G − rk H ≤ 1 and assume that M is G-spin. Let g be a symmetric metric, and let D denote the corresponding Dirac operator on M . Ifḡ is another metric withḡ ≥ g on T M andD is the corresponding Dirac operator, thenIn the case of equality, we haveḡ = g.For an arbitrary Riemannian metricḡ such that c 2ḡ ≥ g for some suitable positive constant c 2 , the theorem impliesWe combine the methods of [9] and [4] with related estimates in [7]. In particular, we compareD to an operatorD 1 with nonvanishing kernel acting on the same sections asD 0 = D ⊗ id R k . We use Parthasarathy's formula to compute λ 1 (D 2 ), and we exhibit a similar formula to estimate D 1 −D . Both formulas give the same value for g =ḡ.To prove thatD 1 has a kernel, we use the invariance of the Fredholm index if rk H = rk G. If rk H = rk G − 1 we use the invariance of the mod-2-index as in [7]. Unfortunately, both approaches fail if rk G− rk H ≥ 2. Note that in [9], a spectral flow argument was used instead in the case rk H = rk G − 1.In [2], Baum applied the Vafa-Witten approach to Lipschitz maps f of high degree from a closed Riemannian spin manfifold of dimension 2n to S 2n . We extend her result to Lipschitz maps of highÂ-degree from higher dimensional closed Riemannian spin manifolds to S 2n . Recall that if N n and M m are closed oriented manifolds, [N ] is the fundamental class of N 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 53C27; 53C35; 58J50.