A novel reduced-scaling, general-order coupled-cluster approach is formulated by exploiting hierarchical representations of many-body tensors, combined with the recently suggested formalism of scale-adaptive tensor algebra. Inspired by the hierarchical techniques from the renormalization group approach, H/H 2 -matrix algebra and fast multipole method, the computational scaling reduction in our formalism is achieved via coarsening of quantum many-body interactions at larger interaction scales, thus imposing a hierarchical structure on many-body tensors of coupled-cluster theory. In our approach, the interaction scale can be defined on any appropriate Euclidean domain (spatial domain, momentum-space domain, energy domain, etc.). We show that the hierarchically resolved many-body tensors reduce the storage requirements to O(N), where N is the number of simulated quantum particles. Subsequently, we prove that any connected many-body diagram with arbitrary-order tensors, e.g., an arbitrary coupled-cluster diagram, can be evaluated in O(NlogN) floating-point operations. On top of that, we elaborate an additional approximation to further reduce the computational complexity of higher-order coupledcluster equations, i.e., equations involving higher than double excitations, which otherwise would introduce a large prefactor into formal O(NlogN) scaling.[A peer-reviewed version is expected to be published in Molecular Physics, Proceedings of the 57 th Sanibel Symposium] The coupled-cluster (CC) theory [1][2][3][4][5][6][7] has been one of the most accurate, yet computationally affordable approaches to the electron correlation problem in molecules.Unfortunately, the original formulation cannot be routinely applied to chemical systems with more than O(100) electrons due to a steep polynomial computational scaling pertinent even to the lowest-level approximations, like CCSD [3]. As a consequence, a multitude of approximations to standard coupled-cluster approaches have been elaborated and applied to quite large chemical systems. Basically, these approximations can be roughly grouped into two classes:• Approximations based on the localization and truncation of many-body interactions, resulting in sparse many-body tensors and (often) linear scaling of the computational cost with respect to the number of correlated particles.• Approximations based on a low-rank factorization of higher-order many-body tensors by (generally contracted) products of lower-order tensors.The first class includes the projected-atomic-orbital (PAO) local CC approximation [8,9], the cluster-in-molecule (CIM) local CC approach [10], the fragment molecular orbital (FMO) CC method [11] and closely related method of increments [12], the divide-expandconsolidate (DEC) local CC framework [13], the divide-and-conquer (DAC) CC method [14], the local projected-natural-orbital (LPNO) CC approach [15], the orbital-specific-virtual (OSV) local CC method [16], and some others. The common trait of all these (local) approximations is localization of many-body interact...